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Field Coordinator

Deadline for submission

As a Field Coordinator you ensure the implementation and evaluation of a project by focusing as much on the medical level as well as on the ability of MSF to take into account the situation in which victims of a humanitarian crisis are living. 

You are responsible for the implementation and daily management of a project. This is achieved in coordination with your MSF team composed of medical, logistics, finance and human resource coordinators. At the local level, you represent MSF and maintain relations with all others involved.

You are responsible as well for the safety and security of your team. Your responsibilities include overall supervision of international and local staff. You’re also responsible for keeping up to date various reports and plans, as well as the preparation and supervision of project proposals, budgets, and project evaluations.


  • Mandatory: At least two years of INGO expatriate experience in humanitarian settings in a similar coordination position
  • Leadership and management of a team
  • Strong analytic and strategic vision ability
  • Flexibility and ability to work under stress
  • Diplomatic skills
  • Willingness to leave on mission without your partner and/or family and to work in an unstable environment
  • Adhere to the MSF Charter and to our managerial values: Respect, Transparency, Integrity, Accountability, Trust and Empowerment
  • Adhere to our Behavioral Commitments

LengTH of mission

  • 9 to 12 months